Just this, really. Just want to go hill walking. Was listening to Clare Balding on radio 4 this avo, that's what's started me off. I don't want to go on my own. I mean I know Libby Dog will be going with me but apart from her I would like some company. A familiar face or two for companionship along the way. As I was making the soup (cauliflower) earlier  and listening to Clare I had to think about the last time I went on holiday, on my own, or with anyone, apart from my ageing mother, to Norfolk, twice, is 8 years ago. Eight years!!
Derbyshire maybe? Not too far, lots of hills. Scotland?
What's stopping me apart from lack of finances is the friend bit. The companion bit. It's not to say I don't know a fair few folk who might well like a holiday too, but whether they'd like to go with me, and whether they like hills, is entirely spurious, dubious, unknowable and definitely uncertain.
Ask 'em you cry. Quite so quite so. I plan to. 🙂Some qualms about doing this include the worry of asking a male or males ( because that is the gender of the majority of the friends what I do 'ave) and them maybe thinking, me being of the opposite sex, that I'm talking romantic stuff. Might scare then off. But not so. Just friends. Safety in numbers and not too lonely. I'll ask my girl acquaintances too, but I know them even less.
Equally, the said friends are most likely as poor as myself and can barely keep head above water week by week let alone have some for accommodation away for a week somewhere. Hill walking doesn't mean sleeping in caves and suchlike. Possibly tents or a guest house or two. A route and pit-stops must be scheduled.
What, should I write invitations for holidaying with me on fliers and hand them out to people?? I really don't know anyone that well, really don't have "best friends" . It would look extremely odd.
How can I find a person or people who wants what I want and is willing save up for what they can't afford this instant and is patient enough to plan something maybe a year off....and who likes hills....I think I said that bit....

Hmmm. I'll let you know how I get on.
